Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sharlyn: Arguably, the bitch of all bitches

Television has gotten a bit predictable over the years with scripted shows. Recently I have been watching a show on HGTV called Property Virgins. I really enjoy watching it for the simple fact that it shows would-be homeowners appropriately called "virgins" as they attempt to step into the dynamic world of real estate. Normally the show has its share of whining couples, but recently I found one buyer that just made me cringe.

Her name was Sharlyn and boy was she something else! I suppose the title of the episode should have been a good indicator ("Domestic Diva") but I had a little idea of what this episode would be like thanks to a informative site called The forums of this site were already buzzing about the dullard diva and her antics on the program so I got a pretty good picture of how this would play out beforehand. Unfortunately watching validated every one of the posters on the forums sentiments about this spoiled bitch. No, I'm not exaggerating when I call her a bitch either as this woman, if she can even be called that, was nothing short of a mean woman. I'm of course going by the original meaning of that word in the Websters dictionary. And another thing, why was this woman given permission to be off her leash?
Anyway this Sharlyn woman started off by giving viewers her likes and dislikes. A never-ending nitpick fest of mainly aesthetic improvements, all of which were hardly practical to what this bitch was looking for. Her sister seemed to be more level-headed and tried fruitlessly to make her diva of a sister see what she was wanting was highly unreasonable. But Sharlyn would hear nothing of it and continued her incessant demands for perfection of which she could never achieve in a lifetime. Why bother?

At the end of the show, she is able to somehow get the property she wanted, although it is clearly above her price limit. The host looked rather flustered after dealing with her which after seeing her behavior during the show I'd have to say I would have strangled her even if on camera. Seriously, there is no place for that kind of childishness from an adult.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How much I hate people

Everytime I turn around, there is some news article or story about an ignorant person. It never fails whether it is a good or bad person. An incredibly stupid or intelligent person (though more than likely it is the stupid kind). Where I live you are very likely to encounter an idiot than any other place in the country. Everything from deviants to saints flock to this area from god knows where.

The End?

I'm wondering if the world is about to end. There have been several indicators that point out that this may be the case, but without real proof this is happening I am merely speculating. Then again with the release of 2012, moviegoers were treated to an armageddon-like experience at the theaters last year as special effects and dazzling CGI sequences dominated the silver screen. This made me ask the question: "is this the end?"